Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Year 5: Reflection
By Chloe xx eee EEEE
Monday, 6 July 2009
school BBQ
- lucky dip
- crossbar challenge
- sponge throwing
- speed stacks
- guess the weight of the cake
- guess the photo
The food was really tasty, plus this year there was a live band to enjoy they were great, We also got a free burger, cake and drink. Our stall was the guess the weight of the cake and guess the photo stall.
By Luke and Callum B
y5 camp Fai$al.G & Nicola$.H
We roasted marsh mallows and some were burnt but still tasty.The night was loud
but fun,despite the scary story 75% were scared. Before the story we made doughnuts out of bread.
One of the best parts was the role play.
We all had very interesting characters, who we had to act like for the evening.
Year 5 camp and BBQ
Year 5 BBQ
Year 5 camp
Year 5 camp!!!!!!
In the morning we got dressed and went to breakfast we had a full English breakfast it was soo good. Mrs Dolman Mrs Gibson cooked it. Then we had a treasure hunt it was fun. Then some people went to Tescos to buy lunch. Then some people helped Mrs Dolman to prepare the food then we had it. After that we had a water fight, it was fun. Then we got ready for the Murder Mystery. It was time for the Murder Mystery. I was sooo excited. We played our game after dinner. We got changed and had donuts round the fire and did a spooky story then went to bed.
The next morning we packed ore bags, got dressed and went to breakfast it was croissants and they were soooo nice. After that we all went home!!!!!!!!
Year 5 Camp and BBQ 09!
Eventually, people started to go back home and that meant that our hot chocolate and marshmallows were on the way. When we went to bed it was fun because Bree and I stayed awake for ages!
In the morning, at around 6.30am we had to "earn" our breakfast! When we got our breakfast kit was worth while! Mrs Dolman and Mrs Gibson made everyone a full English Breakfast!!!!! It was very, very nice! Then we had a tent inspection. This meant cleaning and tiding our tents. Mr Lavis came around judging every body's tent. We then did other stuff. Our Lunch was also delicious! The best thing was the water fight because we went into teams and we had a flag. With this flag we keep it in the teams castle. Another entertainment was the Murder Mystery. I was Minnie May Adams and the murders were Luke and Christopher! In the evening we had donuts and a spooky story! I slept in Sophie-Lou's, Katie's and Alisha's tent. We were all quite worried about the story!
On Sunday we over-slept and I had croissants for breakfast.
By Chloe.
Year 5 camp and BBQ AE and LA
Year 5 camp.
The wonderfull cricket season!!
Y5 Camp 2009
Sunday, 5 July 2009
Way Out West Murder Mystery
All these questions were answered and more besides during our murder mystery evening in the Silver Dollar Saloon at Cactus Gaulch.
Saturday, 4 July 2009
Bree drops in for a chat...
Quite right Bree - we should learn to eat properly!
Friday, 26 June 2009
Arts Week Cooking
By Callum.L
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
The Piano by Aidan Gibbons
We used a pesentation programme to import freeze frames from the film and wrote our own voice overs. We had done lots of presentation work for this thinking about what the characters would say and how they would feel and how camera and film techniques are used.
Plans are well underway for our VE Day style street party on Friday. We are all very excited about acting out our own street party as if it was 1945!
We have done lots of research to make our party as authentic as possible and are now busy planning costumes , deciding what food to bring (not easy with rationing!) making decorations and deciding on what entertainment we will have.
We have been learning some WWII songs for a sing along and have learnt some simple waltz and swing dancing moves.
We know we are going to have such a great time - hope to see you there!!!
Friday, 20 March 2009
One of the designs for our masks.
We made symmetrical templates.
A mask in progress.
A finished mask. We managed to make 62! We worked out that it cost us 23 pence to make each mask.
Our glitzy stall all ready for the enterprise market. We sold 57 masks and came second in the competition to see which class made the most money!
Friday, 6 March 2009
Title of the book: Harry Potter
Author's name: J.K Rowling
Publisher: Bloomsbury
What is the book about?
Harry Potter thinks he is an ordinary boy until he is sent to Hogwarts Witchcraft and Wizardry School and learns magic.
Who is your favourite character and why?
Harry because he makes all the right choices, he learns cool magic, he has a lot of friends and he thinks of others, that's why he's my favourite character.
What is your favourite part of the book?
At the end when Harry and Voldermort meet, and Harry and Voldermort fight each other.
Sophie-lou's space poem
I'm Uranus. I look at Saturn with its hot, fiery rings.I wish I had some rings like his to keep me warm.
The bright stars around me make me shimmer gracefully in the dark night sky.
My glittering, icy rings swirl around my mystical, magical bluey-greeney.
By Sophie-lou
Jupiter, Icy cold at negative 180 degree,
Jupiter, staring at Saturn's icy ring with my wonderful red eye,
Giant Jupiter, 1,318 times larger than the tiny earth (well that's what I think)
Jupiter, I was discovered in the mid 1800s (I think I am old)
Jupiter, I can't believe it I am the biggest, WOW!
Jupiter, my wonderful 6.2876108km diameter,
Jupiter, my wonderful eye the size of earth.
By Jamie
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Book reviews
I can see the earth it is right in front of my face
It will take 6 months for people to get to me
I am the fourth planet from the firey sun
and I am the second nearest to the earth
by Katie
Planet Mars
Friday, 27 February 2009
Thanks to the sun! Shadows!
Finally today the sun decided to come out and play and we were able to go to the playground and make our measurements taking into account how to make our test fair. There were a couple of occasions when we had to wait patiently for the sun to shine down on us but we are now able to look at our results and draw some conclusions from them.
Daniel's poem
I am Icy cold like a freezer
I am as wet as the sea
I look at uranus,but pluto is behind me
I role around in the atmosphere
I am 2.8 million killometers from the sun
But very silent, silent as a mouse
And nobody will build a house on me
by Daniel
orbiting round saving the earth with my huge force of gravity.
I have seen humans four times in fact .
I'm 5th from the sun but still i cant see him,
I see Saturn and mars by my side
By Christopher
Uranus Poem
watson's poem
I have icy flakes on
I watch the earth spinning
on its axis.
I am hot and dry with holes all
Lots of hot rocks bashing into
Little bits of sand flickering on
by Watson
I set my eyes upon Neptune.
Wondering what it is like upon him.
I am the third and fourth biggest planet in the Solar System.
I wonder whether I am glowing to the stars beyond?
By Tom
Teeny tiny Pluto looking at the other planets wondering
I can't see the sun it is really far away.
I can see Neptune he's right in front of my face.
I look to one side and I look to the other side no planets at all.
I can only see the black starry night gleaming in my eyes!!!!
Callum's Space Poem
Giant Jupiter Swirling around the sun
Jupiter's eye looking at you
and the faint planetary ring sparkles in the sky
I'm not all alone, I look around and next to me is red and dusty Mars
By Callum.L
Thursday, 26 February 2009
My Alien creature
By Emily
Darwin in Space
We had to invent an alien creature for one of these environments and write about how it is suited to living there.
By Alisha Dolman
Friday, 13 February 2009
The Planet Suite
Planet Artwork
We used our research to produce a pieces of artwork.
Alanah and Lucie work on producing Saturn
Luke working on his
Callum painted the Earth
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Crazy Rotations

The Earth and Beyond

To get some perspective of this distance we made a scale drawing of the sun and then using a scale of 150m = 1,000,000km we used a trundle wheel to measure how far the Sun would be from Earth (Mrs Thornton was the Earth spinning on its axis!). The field measured 50m so we worked out that if we walked down the field three times this would be 150m and would represent the distance of the Earth to the Sun.
We thought that 150m might be approximately the distance to Tesco from school so if you multiply that by 1 million that is how far it is to the Sun! Wow!
Monday, 9 February 2009
Pantomime Time!
We decided what we thought the features of pantomimes are and drew up a list. We used this list to write our pantomimes, always checking that we were including all the features.
As we got more excited about our work we decided to act them out. This actually helped with our writing and we began to edit and improve our work as we went along.
When we performed our pantomimes to the class there was lots of booing and hissing to be heard!
Thursday, 5 February 2009
Jamie's Anderson air-raid shelter
- One cereal box
- One big cardboard box
- One quarter of the big box's top
- Green and brown colouring pencils
- Super glue

Nicolas's Andersons bomb shelter
these are the materials for my shelter:
super glue
shoe box lid
kitchen roll
First cut straw then glue it in between two pieces of paper. Do the same with front and back of it and cut a door and stick with tape. Then super glue to shoe lid.
I am very proud of my work and it took me 3 days to make my bomb shelter.
Here is my bomb shelter
Lucie's Anderson Air-raid Shelter

Anderson Air-raid shelter

Air raid shelters
Here are some websites for you to find out more about World War 2

By Brooke
Scott's anderson air raid-shelter