- One cereal box
- One big cardboard box
- One quarter of the big box's top
- Green and brown colouring pencils
- Super glue

super glue
shoe box lid
kitchen roll
First cut straw then glue it in between two pieces of paper. Do the same with front and back of it and cut a door and stick with tape. Then super glue to shoe lid.
I am very proud of my work and it took me 3 days to make my bomb shelter.
Here is my bomb shelter
I really enjoyed making it and I think everyone enjoyed it too and it was hard too. Here are some ww2 web links http:/bbc rationing challenge hope you have fun.
When I was making it I really enjoyed it.
The year 4s looked at our air raid shelters and lots of them liked mine.
Making air raid shelters are more fun than it looks so if you dont like making things make an air raid shelter.
By Billy
This is how i made it, First i got two thick peices of cardboard and stuck them together and that makes the base.
Then I made a template and cut it out and my dad used his glue gun to stick it down (get a responsible adult to do this).
Then I cut out a thin oblong with a curve on the top not a straight edge.
After get two thick peices of cardboard about 1cm wide and stick them down with glue with one edge up to the template and the back peice of the shelter (one on each side).
Then get a thin peice of cardboard and stick it with glue at the two sides and at the top of the shelter.
Next you will need to make a garden wall out of four pieces of thick cardboard,stick two together then stick the other two together, get some thin cardboard and cut it into strips the same size as the wall then stick one on one of the walls and the other on the other.
Now stick one wall on the left side of the base and one on the back of the base. Then do the same but make them lower and stick them on the other two sides they will be the ground level.
Now you will need to put paper mache in the base apart from in front of the door so that no edges on the shelter show.
Crayons (Green, Grey, White and Black)
I Enjoyed doing this Activity for Homework and I hope we do something related to world war next year, in Year 6.
For my shelter, I got quite a few compliments from my classmates and also from year 4 students.
For more info on World War 2, you might want to visit
http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/worldwars/wwtwo/ or visit
By Dylan Painter, Year 5
Health Bread
11/2lb self raising flour
1 teacup sugar
1 breakfast cup of syrup
1 egg
1 breakfast cup of raisins with stones removed
1 breakfast cup of milk
a pinch of salt
Mix together the sugar, flour, salt and raisins. Beat the egg and add into the milk and syrup. Mix all ingredients together. Bake in two well greased loaf tins in a moderate oven for approx 11/2 hours. Slice thinly after a couple of days and serve with butter or margarine. Will keep for a month in a tin.
I hope you enjoyed reading our facts and our interesting recipes!
By Alanah Edwards and Chloe Pike