Thursday, 18 September 2008

Busy mathematicians!

We have been extremely busy in maths this week. we have done lots of work on multiplication and division. The best thing and most clever thing we learnt was how to write remainders as fractions or decimals:

34 divided by 8 = 4 and a quarter

54 divided by 10 = 5.4

Writing instructions

This week in literacy we have been learning the features of instruction text. First we had to look at different sets of instructions and find out what they all had in common and what the features of instructional text were. We started by giving instructions orally by planning a simple card or dice game and have just moved on to writing our own instructions.

How to drive a Rocket

Writing Instructions

How to drive a rocket

1. Put the key in and turn it.
2.Pull the brake.
3.Put your seatbelt on.
4.Put it in full speed.
5.Press count down.
6.Turn all gear on full speed.
7.Press the green button
8.Lift off
9.Slow ship down.
10.Enter hyper-space
11.Slow down.
12.Land on mars where misson control.


Fabulous Toaster

Today we filmed an advert for QVC. Sophie-lou, Katie and Lucie did a toaster called Fabulous Toaster. We had cheesy smiles on our faces,and we had so much FUN! By Sophie-lou, Katie and Lucie.

Our toaster QVC

Today we have been making a video of our toaster.We were pretending to be on the QVC shopping channel.We called our toaster the almighty toaster.We say it is the best toaster in the world.

by Jamie Lyth,Billy Ralph,Nicolas Hofmann and Callum Bainbridge.