Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Year 5: Reflection
Year 5 has been quite enjoyable as we zoomed through the whole year! We learnt about loads of things and the best thing I have improved on is my Maths. Also, in the year, because we were doing so many different things my favorite subjects changed every week! My favorite topic was WWII and the best book was "There's a boy in the girls bathroom!". I think year 5 is a memorable year. I wish this year would never ever end! Thank you Mrs Collin, Mrs Thornton and everyone else who who helped out this year!
By Chloe xx eee EEEE
Monday, 6 July 2009
school BBQ
- lucky dip
- crossbar challenge
- sponge throwing
- speed stacks
- guess the weight of the cake
- guess the photo
The food was really tasty, plus this year there was a live band to enjoy they were great, We also got a free burger, cake and drink. Our stall was the guess the weight of the cake and guess the photo stall.
By Luke and Callum B
y5 camp Fai$al.G & Nicola$.H
At y5 camp we had a great water fight with a fun game capture of the flag.
We roasted marsh mallows and some were burnt but still tasty.The night was loud
but fun,despite the scary story 75% were scared. Before the story we made doughnuts out of bread.
One of the best parts was the role play.
We all had very interesting characters, who we had to act like for the evening.
We roasted marsh mallows and some were burnt but still tasty.The night was loud
but fun,despite the scary story 75% were scared. Before the story we made doughnuts out of bread.
One of the best parts was the role play.
We all had very interesting characters, who we had to act like for the evening.
Everyone enjoyed themselves at year five camp most people enjoyed the water fight the most.
Most people wanted to stay longer.
Year 5 camp and BBQ
On the 3rd of July 2009 Year 5 had there camp/BBQ. We camped on the field at are school.It was really fun because we toasted marshmallow's and chewest on the camp fire.The tents were funky! We named the tents they were called Fruit slushy tent,cherryade tent,cheeky monkeys,blue boys,cc clan and pocker tent.On the saturday we had a treasure hunt it was so fun also we had a water battle that was so so so fun teem red won the battle my teem after we did a cowboy murder mistorey that was fun to luke chris were the murders.
Year 5 BBQ
Year 5 camp
The 3rd to the 5th 2 nights 3 days we slept in freezing cold weather, joggers, jumpers and socks were slept in.
We sat around the fire talking and toasting marshmallows.We even toasted grapes and chewitts.
On Saturday we had a water fight and a mystery murder game .Slick o' Hare (Luke) and Clem (Chrisopher) were the murders it was so so so much fun finally we got some sleep ,well I known I did.
By Lucie
Year 5 camp!!!!!!
The 3rd to the 5th of July was year 5 camp. It was sooooo cool and sooooo much fun!!! On Friday the 3rd of July after the BBQ year 5 set some tents up. Then we got dressed and sat round the fire toasting marshmallows ,they were so nice.
In the morning we got dressed and went to breakfast we had a full English breakfast it was soo good. Mrs Dolman Mrs Gibson cooked it. Then we had a treasure hunt it was fun. Then some people went to Tescos to buy lunch. Then some people helped Mrs Dolman to prepare the food then we had it. After that we had a water fight, it was fun. Then we got ready for the Murder Mystery. It was time for the Murder Mystery. I was sooo excited. We played our game after dinner. We got changed and had donuts round the fire and did a spooky story then went to bed.
The next morning we packed ore bags, got dressed and went to breakfast it was croissants and they were soooo nice. After that we all went home!!!!!!!!
In the morning we got dressed and went to breakfast we had a full English breakfast it was soo good. Mrs Dolman Mrs Gibson cooked it. Then we had a treasure hunt it was fun. Then some people went to Tescos to buy lunch. Then some people helped Mrs Dolman to prepare the food then we had it. After that we had a water fight, it was fun. Then we got ready for the Murder Mystery. It was time for the Murder Mystery. I was sooo excited. We played our game after dinner. We got changed and had donuts round the fire and did a spooky story then went to bed.
The next morning we packed ore bags, got dressed and went to breakfast it was croissants and they were soooo nice. After that we all went home!!!!!!!!
Year 5 Camp and BBQ 09!
On Friday 3rd of July we had Year 5 Camp and our Family BBQ! I'll start with the BBQ...... Friday evening was one of the best evenings of Year 5. The atmosphere was really good. Everybody enjoyed eating hot dogs, burgers, cakes and ice cream. Also, and I think everyone will say the same, thank you for the live music and the patient neighbours too! The stalls were also exciting. Sponge throwing and the Lucky Dip were very good (all the others were good too though!).
Eventually, people started to go back home and that meant that our hot chocolate and marshmallows were on the way. When we went to bed it was fun because Bree and I stayed awake for ages!
In the morning, at around 6.30am we had to "earn" our breakfast! When we got our breakfast kit was worth while! Mrs Dolman and Mrs Gibson made everyone a full English Breakfast!!!!! It was very, very nice! Then we had a tent inspection. This meant cleaning and tiding our tents. Mr Lavis came around judging every body's tent. We then did other stuff. Our Lunch was also delicious! The best thing was the water fight because we went into teams and we had a flag. With this flag we keep it in the teams castle. Another entertainment was the Murder Mystery. I was Minnie May Adams and the murders were Luke and Christopher! In the evening we had donuts and a spooky story! I slept in Sophie-Lou's, Katie's and Alisha's tent. We were all quite worried about the story!
On Sunday we over-slept and I had croissants for breakfast.
By Chloe.
Eventually, people started to go back home and that meant that our hot chocolate and marshmallows were on the way. When we went to bed it was fun because Bree and I stayed awake for ages!
In the morning, at around 6.30am we had to "earn" our breakfast! When we got our breakfast kit was worth while! Mrs Dolman and Mrs Gibson made everyone a full English Breakfast!!!!! It was very, very nice! Then we had a tent inspection. This meant cleaning and tiding our tents. Mr Lavis came around judging every body's tent. We then did other stuff. Our Lunch was also delicious! The best thing was the water fight because we went into teams and we had a flag. With this flag we keep it in the teams castle. Another entertainment was the Murder Mystery. I was Minnie May Adams and the murders were Luke and Christopher! In the evening we had donuts and a spooky story! I slept in Sophie-Lou's, Katie's and Alisha's tent. We were all quite worried about the story!
On Sunday we over-slept and I had croissants for breakfast.
By Chloe.
Year 5 camp and BBQ AE and LA
On Friday the 3rd of July it was BBQ time!!!!!!!!!! There were burgers, hot dogs, cakes and drinks!
Whilst the BBQ was happening year 5 and there families (not forgetting Mr Lavis!) were also pitching tents. We had so much fun, we had breakfast (a full English one of course!), had a tent inspection, a treasure hunt, me and my tent crew had the most points on the chart and went to our local supermarket, Tesco for lunch! We had some rolls, crisps, fruit and vegetables!
After lunch we had a break, chatting playing and lazing about in our tents!
It was time for our next activity... a water fight!
I got soaked! Everyone kept on throwing wet sponges, shooting me with their pistols and throwing cups of water at me!
That evening we had our Murder Mystery party! For tea we had jacket potatoes and the murderer was (or were Christopher and helped by Luke!)
I was an Indian called Runs Like A Deer and Liam's Name was Sheriff Abe Blane.
Sitting round the camp fire we made doughnuts with jam and chocolate spread inside, they were yummy! When we had finished our doughnuts Mr Lavis told us a scary story that was really quite funny!
Then we went to bed, it took me about 3-4 hours to actually get to sleep and I woke up at about half past 5!
On Sunday we had another tent inspection, packed up the rest of our tents, had breakfast and waited for our parents to arrive!
For breakfast I had a croissant and a pane au chocolate, they were delicious!
Emily had come back from her holiday on Friday and so she handed out some rock(as in the sweet of course!)
Eventually our parents came and I went to sleep that day at 8.30pm and woke up at 11 am in the morning!
From Alanah!
Year 5 camp.
At year 5 camp I had lots of fun. My favourite thing was the water fight I really enjoyed. In my tent we won the treasure hunt and the tent inspection which meant my tent got to go to Tessco to buy lunch. We named our tents there was Cherryade, the blue boys, C.C.clan, Fruit slushy, the poker tent and the Cheechy monkeys. On the day that we were going home Igave out some rock and we all went home. I had lots of fun!
The wonderfull cricket season!!
This season we have had some good cricket matches.We have won all of our matches exept 1 that we have lost.We had to win 1 of our games because
it was against Mrs Thornton's sons school and we won.It was against Mildown.It was the first time that Mildown lost a match.We lost 1 of our matches against Spetisbury but they are good.Yesterday Monday 6th of July we were supposed to play Dumbery but unfortunately
it was called of because of the rain.
By Jamie and Scott
Y5 Camp 2009
On the 3rd July the school had a BBQ. After the BBQ y5 had a camp, we had a camp fire before we went to bed, we toasted marshmellows over the fire and some people toasted chewitts, weird!
After that we went to bed, most people didn't get any sleep.
In the morning we had to tidy our tents ready for tent inspection which we got points on how tidy they were.All points were added up after other games. First (before tent inspection) we played games to win our breakfast then we had breakfast then finally tent inspection.After that we were given a clipboard and a sheet with some questions on it. They were given out in groups 1 per tent the answers were in the school somewere. Then there was a picture version . After that they added up the scores the tent called cherryade won that meant they got to go to Tesco to buy some food for lunch. When they got back a small group went and prepared the lunch, once that was done we ate lunch. After lunch we had lots of games and about half an hour later we had a water fight (we all got very wet) the red team won. After the water fight we all got dry and into our cowboy clothes ready for later. We all had lots of fun. We all liked trying to work out who the murderer was. We found out that it was Luke and Christopher. Then we all had a little fire and had dounuts, then we went to bed. In the morning we had to pack all our bags to go home. We had breakfast then we all sat outside to wait for our parents. Emily gave us some rock sticks and we went home.( we had loads of fun)
By Emily and Luke
Sunday, 5 July 2009
Way Out West Murder Mystery
Who was the murderer? Who stole the sheep? Who was Elijah Entwhistle really? Who was the mysterious Freddy Lloyd?
All these questions were answered and more besides during our murder mystery evening in the Silver Dollar Saloon at Cactus Gaulch.
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