Friday, 16 January 2009

Archaeological Dig

We have been fortunate to be able to do some work about archaeology. The site of the new Milldown Primary School is currently being excavated by archaeologists after possible Bronze

Age remains were found. 18 children from years 5 and 6 had the opportunity to visit the site, meet the archaeologists and take part in some activities.

Those children who didn't go to the dig researched the Bronze Age and have produced some fantastic leaflets.

The children will want to tell you more but until then here are some photographs of our morning. The site

Using flint to strip the fat off the back of an animal skin.

Examining the animal skins.

Listening to information about building the pre-historic house .

Splitting hazel for the roof of the house with a bronze age tool.
Grinding wheat to make flour.
Washng the flints very carefully so we can see if they were worked tools.
The flits we washed.
Finding out all about animal bones.

Our displays of Britain Since 1930 and Anne Frank

We thought that you might like to see some of the displays in our classroom. Of course to appreciate them fully you need to come into our classroom to see them!

We have blacked out the classroom like it would have been in the blitz

We also blacked out the door and taped up the windows so that they do not shatter during bombings.

This is our Britain since 1930 timeline. We are filling it with important dates. We have also brainstormed what we already know about Britain since 1930, what we want to know and will add what we have found out.

This is our display of our work about The Diary of Anne Frank

Thursday, 15 January 2009

More feelings and views about The diary of Anne Frank

When I watched the last episode of Anne Frank I felt like I wanted to just cry. It was so sad I felt like I was there. If I had to go I would pack a teddy, cards and my diary. In our class we are learning about Anne Frank. As you can see, we have done all sorts of things we have made suitcases where we stuck on items like teddies and said why we would need them.At the moment we are finishing off our timelines, reviews and story boards showing the scenes of episode five. We have also written instructions for living in the Secret Annexe. We are coming to the end of Anne Frank now, I will always remember facts about Anne Frank.

By Lucie

When I watched the diary of Anne Frank the TV series, I felt very sorry for Anne Frank and the people in the Secret Annexe because it was so sad living in there for two years, never going out always seing the same things. It must have been horrible living in the secret Annexe especially if they knew they could be caught at any moment. Anne Frank was a very lonely character and I thought it was very cruel of the Germans to make the Jews wear a star and not let them go on public transport or their own car or bike. They also were not allowed public entertainment.

By Luke

Wednesday, 14 January 2009

My feelings about The Diary of Anne Frank

This week we have been learning about Anne Frank's diary .We have watched the TV series and we are reading the book. At the end of the film it was very emotional because they got caught by the Nazis and they all went to different concentration camps.
By Daniel

Learning about Anne Frank makes me feel sad, the last episode was very emotional when they got found out I think that the Diary of Anne Frank was a very good piece of work that was put together and I think it was very successful and I hope everybody liked it as much as me
By Emily (age 9 )

Learning about Anne Frank has been a very emotional experience. We watched the TV series and imagined what it must of been like in the Secret Annexe. We talked also about what it must have been like going into hiding and what we would have packed. We had to remember that we only had our school bags to carry otherwise we would have been spotted by the German soldiers.
I would have packed: my teddy to cuddle, a notebook and pencil to write and maybe a pack of cards to play with. Anne and her family were wearing most of their clothes when they went into hiding.
Sophie- Lou

When we learnt all about Anne and her family it was extremely emotional. We read passages from the diary and watched all five episodes of The Diary of Anne Frank. Our class and I did lots of work on her including doing a suitcase. We imagined what it would be like to experience being in an annexe for two very long years. I think Anne Frank is just like my heroine because she was always optimistic and even if she were angry she was still a really kind girl. I hope everyone enjoyed learning about Anne just as much as I did! It was very upsetting when the Nazis found all the people hiding with Anne and her family because they got captured and dumped in horrible concentration camps where they were only eating straps of rotten food and they were stripped naked too. Mr. Dussel got gassed and that was much worse because they were trapped.

When I watched the very last bit of the last episode, I nearly went into tears with my Mum and when I watched it at school, I was even closer to being in tragic tears, it was sad in all of the episodes because I thought any moment the Nazis would come and capture them, I was very frightened to bits every step of the way.


Hello and welcome back to our blog! We hope 2009 is going well for you so far. It is for us in Formula Base. We have settled back to work and have already produced some great work and learnt a lot.

The Diary of Anne Frank

We are studying World War Two as part of our Britain Since 1930s project this term and we have been watching the BBC adaptation of the Diary of Anne Frank as well as reading the book and finding out information about her life. We really got into the series and have been able to see and understand what life would have been like for Anne up there in the secret annexe for 2 years.

We have produced lots of work about Anne Frank, including:

  • What we would pack in our suitcase if we had to go into hiding

  • A guide to living in the secret annexe

  • Haiku poems based on the relationship between two of the characters in the annexe

and we are currently working on writing TV reviews for the series.

I think you'll agree we have been very busy.

We have a display in our classroom so please do come in and have a look