What a busy couple of weeks we have had - we are very sorry for not posting sooner!
Last week was Enterprise Week. In Formula Base we studied Fairtrade and how it helps improve the lives of farmers in developing countries and we made masquerade masks to sell at the enterprise market to raise money for Comic Relief.
Here is our week in pictures:
We learnt about Fairtrade chocolate and about how much of the money from a £1 bar of chocolate actually goes to the cocoa farmers. We even got to try the chocolate!
Part of our display about the chocolate journey and Fairtrade.
We carried out a survey when planning our masks designs to see what materials, designs and colours people preferred. We then recorded our results in graphs and made conclusions from our findings.
One of the designs for our masks.
We made symmetrical templates.
A mask in progress.
A finished mask. We managed to make 62! We worked out that it cost us 23 pence to make each mask.
Our glitzy stall all ready for the enterprise market. We sold 57 masks and came second in the competition to see which class made the most money!