Monday 6 July 2009

Year 5 camp!!!!!!

The 3rd to the 5th of July was year 5 camp. It was sooooo cool and sooooo much fun!!! On Friday the 3rd of July after the BBQ year 5 set some tents up. Then we got dressed and sat round the fire toasting marshmallows ,they were so nice.

In the morning we got dressed and went to breakfast we had a full English breakfast it was soo good. Mrs Dolman Mrs Gibson cooked it. Then we had a treasure hunt it was fun. Then some people went to Tescos to buy lunch. Then some people helped Mrs Dolman to prepare the food then we had it. After that we had a water fight, it was fun. Then we got ready for the Murder Mystery. It was time for the Murder Mystery. I was sooo excited. We played our game after dinner. We got changed and had donuts round the fire and did a spooky story then went to bed.

The next morning we packed ore bags, got dressed and went to breakfast it was croissants and they were soooo nice. After that we all went home!!!!!!!!


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