Thursday, 5 February 2009

Anderson shelter spectacular!

Over the past two weeks for home learning we made some fantastic air raid shelters. I took up the whole two weeks given but the end product was worth the time! I really enjoyed doing mine and looking at other shelters my fellow classmates had made. My favourite of all time was Chloe's because she had so much detail and she even made a bench to go inside although everything was excellent! Over all they all looked so realistic and cool, I hope they all go on display so everyone can look and see how amazing they all are!

I made mine with geat care. I spent a while doing my plan and I enjoyed doing the evaluation at school afterwards!
I used loads of cardboard, besides all the plasticine and cocktail sticks! I only used ordinary house hold items which is a form of recycling old junk! I used fake grass, rosemary, soil, twigs from my garden and heaps of paint!
It was so much fun doing it because I love doing junk modelling and is a fun way to recycle, not just putting it in a big box and it being taken away!


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