Tuesday 10 February 2009

The Earth and Beyond

It is science week in Formula Base and our topic is The Earth and Beyond. We are finding out lots of interesting facts about the place of Earth in our solar system. For example today we found out that the Earth is 150,000,000 km from the Sun.

To get some perspective of this distance we made a scale drawing of the sun and then using a scale of 150m = 1,000,000km we used a trundle wheel to measure how far the Sun would be from Earth (Mrs Thornton was the Earth spinning on its axis!). The field measured 50m so we worked out that if we walked down the field three times this would be 150m and would represent the distance of the Earth to the Sun.

We thought that 150m might be approximately the distance to Tesco from school so if you multiply that by 1 million that is how far it is to the Sun! Wow!

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