Wednesday, 3 December 2008

writing an oral story

This week in year 5 we have been writing oral stories
About Robin Hood in the sheriff's perspective
here is an example
  • A bright sunny day a crowd of poor dirty people and rich nice people gathered in my lovely court yard.
  • Saxons needed entertainment guarded by my strong and elite Norman soldiers
  • The contestants got ready to take there shots on my spotless court yard.
  • One of my men blew the trumpet and my lovely tournament.
  • The contestants stepped forward to take their shots.
  • Every round my men moved the targets 25 paces back.
  • Soon there were only five who had made it through and my two Norman soldiers were still in.
  • The mysterious green cloaked man stepped forward to take his shot, "He's a fool if he thinks he can win I better get him."
  • When I gave the signal two of my strong soldiers appeared.
  • The man in green took his final shot and hit the bullseye.
  • "Hold him".
  • "So Robin Hood we meet at last"
  • "Thats not robin hood" "what are you talking about".

By Luke & Jamie

Friday, 21 November 2008

Anti-bullying Week

This week our class has been looking at Anti bullying week. We have watched a variety of videos and brainstormed our ideas. We have thought about what a bully is, how to stop bullies and the feelings of those who may be bullied. We have thought of many rules within our classroom to stop bullying. Those include;

  • Don't gang up on people in the cloakroom - Dominic
  • May have to ring your parents or guardians - Lucie
  • The bully will have to miss some playtime - Bree
  • Do not bully, it's a golden rule, tell your parents or guardians - Liam
  • Walk away from the bully, tell someone, ring parents and send the bully home if needed - Jamie
  • Tell the teacher - Callum B
  • Walk away - Callum L
  • Call the bullies parents - Daniel
  • Play with other people - Chris
  • The bully should sit out for 5 minutes and think about what he or she has done - Katie & Alisha
  • Ring the parents of the bully and inform them of their behaviour - Emily
  • Don't keep quiet if your getting bullied - Billy
  • Tell a teacher if it kepps happening - Luke
  • Laugh & smile so you make them think you don't care - Alanah
  • Ring the bullies parents - Dylan
  • Be nice to the bully, walk away and tell someone - Sophie-Lou
  • The bully should get detention and explain to his parents - Nicolas
  • Do not fight with eachother - Scott
  • Report the bully if you see something happening so they shall learn their lesson - Tom
  • Don't grab people by the neck - Ethan
  • Don't start a fight - Faisal
  • The bully should not punch, kick or name call. They should take a time out - Watson
  • Dont let anyone bully you, tell your parents - Brooke
  • 'Why are you bullying them?' 'Why won't you stop?' - Olivia
  • When you bully I think you should ask yourself 'why do you bully?' ' STOP!

Thursday, 13 November 2008

Super sound

If you had a headache then Formula base was not the place to be on Thursday afternoon!! We were taking part in a circus of sound experiments based on cool vibrations.

We banged drums and saw how air-vibrating particles made the particles beside them (in this case rice) vibrate as well. We dangled forks from our ears, inflated balloons, said 'Ahhhh', made waves with a tuning fork and plucked rulers. Sounds like fun? It was!

Tuning Forks:

Making rice vibrate on a drum

Playing Sound Snap on the interactive whiteboard

Plucking a ruler and feeling the vibrations

Hitting a fork tied with string and feeling the vibrations in our ears Hitting a baking tray REALLY hard to feel the vibrations!

We had to write up our findings using scientific vocabulary and drawing a labelled diagram.

More Riddles!

The children are very keen to share their riddles on the blog, so here are some more!

Flying Machine

I'm a passport to the stars.

I smoke like a train and I roar like a lion.

I'm as loud as lion when I go

But when I'm in the air I'm as small as an ant

I fly like a bird in the sky.

I send messages to your friends.

I'm as strong as gravity when I go.

By Dominic

(Answer: Rocket )

What am I?

I am as round as the sun,
I am playful for all ages.

You can see me on the box,
You can use me for a sport

What am I?
By Jamie Lyth


What am I?

I'm ready and waiting in the morning.

I'm dairy that makes cheese.

I'm a white mirror that splash, splash, splashes.

I am sometimes cold like a fridge.

I can be white, brown, pink and yellow!

What am I?
By Liam Abbey
(Answer: milk)

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Formula Base's Rather Marvellous Riddles!

Here is a sample of the marvellous riddles we have written in Formula Base. We have put together a book of everyone's riddles so please come in and have a look at it - the children and I are extremely proud of the work produced.

Guess It

I help you with balance.
I am very healthy.
I come in all shapes and sizes.
I take you wherever you need to go.
Sit on me and feel the breeze on your face.

By Bree

(Answer: A bike)


I can hear a teacher talking.
I am a type of scroll.
I am still as a grave but full of life.
I am a story teller.
I flick, flick, flick.
I can be colourful or plain.
I will help your spellings.
Don't fold me back or you could break my spine.
?What am I?

By Alisha

(Answer: A book)

What am I?

I am often seen in a box.
I am sometimes called a cowboy.
I am a sport.
I can hurt you if you are not careful.
I am merry making.
I go tackle, tackle, tackle.
I am one kick away from glory.

By Callum L

(Answer: American Football)

What am I?

I sit waiting for you to pick me up,
For you could be interested.
Still words sit within me,
But in action I am not alone
Because I can be a passage to freedom.
I am strong with words and sometimes pictures
And at the end of the day when you put me away,
Get me out again!

By Chloe

(Answer: A book)

What am I?

I have silky, velvety fur like a fluffy blanket
I came from a lonely, hot, sandy place.
My tiny feet carry me on loads of adventures
I am amusing and playful
I squeak, squeak, squeak when I am excited.
I see people bouncing around
I smell food in my bowl.
I hear footsteps as people walk by.
I taste a brocolli stalk
My teeth are as sharp as needles.
Sleeping is my hobby as I snuggle down in a bed of tissue
For another sleep till 6pm.

By Alanah

(Answer: Hamster)

Tuesday, 11 November 2008


I am at your beginning and your end.

I dog your footsteps

And cannot be shaken off.

Though I fade from view

You are never alone.
So silent that you often forget me.

I am still there,

Your constant dark spy and companion.

John Cotton

Who were the soldiers

tall and erect

who came to your door

while you still slept?

Who were the soldiers

pale and thin

who never knocked

to be let in

but stood on guard

with hats of tin?

Nick Toczek

In our literacy lessons this week, we have been studying poetry and the last few days we have been looking at riddles.

Can you work out the answers to the riddles above?

After looking at riddles by various poets, we set about writing our own. We talked about what riddles are and the type of language they use. We each chose something to write a riddle about and decided this should be something concrete rather than a feeling or emotion. We then brainstormed our word writing down anything that came to mind to do with that word. We tried to think of all our senses.

Next we choose three of the words we had brainstormed and used a thesaurus to find synonyms for these words.

We then tried to use some figurative language (similes, metaphors, onomatopoeia) to describe our word.

Finally we tried to imagine ourselves as our word and write some sentences describing what we do.

We are just at the point of writing our riddles up after our planning so watch this space...

Monday, 10 November 2008

Peter Pan Day

We had great fun in Formula Base during our Peter Pan Day. We all dressed up as Peter Pan characters - including the adults and we looked FAB!

For our activity we made pirate treasure maps. On Thursday in preparation, we 'aged' our paper to make our maps look old. To do this we carefully tore round the edges of the paper to make them look ragged then we sponged tea and coffee over it to stain it.

On Friday we had a brainstorming session (we like brainstorming in formula base) and decided what features we should have on our map. We then set to work drawing intricate compass roses and remembering that X marks the spot.

Here are some photos of our day in Formula Base:

Friday, 7 November 2008

Our Trompe L'oiel workshops

One afternoon this week we took part in a variety of workshops about Trompe L'oiel. There were four workshops looking at different ways of using perspective when drawing. Have a look at our photos of the work in progress. I think you'll agree that we are great artists!

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Trompe L'oiel

We have been looking at how artists use perspective and illusions to create their artwork. This is called Trompe L'oiel. Here are some websites to look at to see this style of artwork:

Thursday, 23 October 2008

Graffiti art Display

Formula Base had the task of creating a display in the ICT suite.

We decided to display some of the graffiti art that we have created on the computer. We used a site on the internet called graffiti Creator to create graffiti art of our names and also drew some pictures using the spray can function on microsoft paint.
We have also displayed some graffiti by some other artists that we have looked at on the internet. There is also a powerpoint presentation about the history of graffiti and the different styles used.
Here is a picture of our graffiti wall.

Writting in the style of Roald Dahl

To complete our study of the significant author Roald Dahl, we have planned and written our own stories in the style of Roald Dahl. We discussed Roald's style and decided on some writing tips. We decided that Dahl's books were popular because:
  • they make you laugh
  • they make you squirm
  • they keep you enthralled
  • they make you think
  • they hook the reader
  • they make you suspicious

We also noted the different ways in which Dahl started his stories - did he get straight into the action like in the BFG or did he introduce the characters like in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?

We also discussed how Dahl's stories were full of DAD - Description, action and dialogue.

We tried to use as many Dahl-like features in our stories as possible and we have done very well.

We also put into practise what we have been learning about punctuating dialogue and writing complex sentences. What a lot we had to think about!

Here are some extracts from our stories-

Humphrey wandered around until he heard a thumping sound. It was coming nearer and nearer every second, Humphrey was terrified. Now he could hear tiny voices getting louder and louder chanting, "hup, two, three, four'' repeating it again and again and again. Quickly he raced behind a tree but it was too late they, whoever ''they" were, had spotted him! like a bolt of lightning, he hid fully behind the tree then, gradually peered round just to find ...hamsters!

By Alanah

The evil twins put a slimy worm under the nice twins pillow but what was going to happen in the morning when the twins find out? "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Get it off! Get it off!" screamed Casey. "It's going in my hair"

"I have one too," yelled Kirsty. "Get it out, get it out! I smell the work of the Tweevils here!"

By Lucie

The giants are finished!

Well we have finished our giants and they look fantastic.

We carefully put the finishing touches to them trying all the time to keep them in Roald Dahl's wonderful style and making them as grotesque as possible - check out the warts, hairy armpits and noses and the dripping blood after chomping on a child!

Here they are:

More about the giants!!

The giants are coming along really well! They have been painted and sre drying ready to have the finishing touches applied!
Here are some more photos of work in progress:

Wednesday, 22 October 2008


This week we have been working on the BFG.We went into groups and made our own giants we used materials, paints and straw.We used ideas from the other giants in the BFG,at the end we cut our giants out.Most people used string, not white but coloured.

By Billy and Callum.L

Friday, 17 October 2008

Cool Stuff - urban style

Yesterday, we started to look at graffiti art. We watched a presentation about the history and the different styles of graffiti and then had a big discussion and brainstorming session about our views. As promised here are some graffiti websites to have a look at:
A history of graffiti
Work by graffiti artist Basquait

This is Julian Beever's pavement art

From this link you should be able to see other images as well!

Thursday, 16 October 2008


In RE we have been looking at Mother Teresa we looked at words like when I was hungry you gave me food. When I was in prison you visited me and lots more. These are all in the bible - Matthew 25 verses 31 - 40

We had to draw a picture of one. I did when I was in prison you visted me. I did a picture of a person in prison and another with a friend with him.

By Callum.S

Ridiculous Words!

"Every human bean is diddly and different. Some is scumdiddlyumptious and some is uckyslush," said the BFG.

The BFG sometimes gets his words (and his grammar!) mixed up. This is because he didn't go to school and therefore he didn't learn how to speak properly.

In Formula Base, we have created our own BFG words. Can you work out what they really are? Answers on a postcard please!(or you could just comment on this blog!)
Examples from the BFG are:
Cattypiddlers - caterpillars
Bellypopper - helicopter
disgusterous - disgusting

Now can you guess what our words really are?
On friction

All our words are in our Dahl Dictionary in our classroom which you can see below.

Wednesday, 15 October 2008


We are learning about the work of Roald Dahl. He always has great characters in his book and the giants in the BFG are no exception. We have The Fleshlumpeater, The Bloodbottler, The Childchewer and The Butcher Boy to name just a few. Using Roald Dahl's descriptions of these gruesome giants, we made sketches and are now producing large pictures of them - they're so large we had to clear space in the classroom and use the corridors. Here is our work in progress:

Street Dancing Lost Boys!

For the Peter Pan Production, Formula Base are going to be street dancing Lost Boys. We are working with Aff from Pure Funk to produce a street dance for the production and as you can see we are having great fun rehearsing! So make sure you come and see as perform in the production!

Present Aid

In R.E we were looking at present aid. First we brainstormed some ideas we could give people in poverty to help them live a happy and healthy life. We chose our favourite idea and then put it into a picture ( plus writing and price). We did it in the style of present aid. Everyone had ideas from stationary to fresh drinking water. We chose to do a stationary set that would cost £30.00. It would be a benefit for children to get good education, it's very important to get education because when the children grow up it would help to get a job to get money to feed and care for themselves and their family.

By Alanah & Chloe.


Seeds are nothing to us really, but to some other countries in the world they really matter.Seeds grow vegetables,fruit,herbs and many other things.They are a good source of nutrition, protein and vitamins as well as keeping you in good growth,and good health. It really matters in the world to have food.

by Tom Ansell and Watson Young

Thursday, 9 October 2008

Granny's Book of How to Use Your Mobile

In our literacy lessons, we have been studying instructional text. We looked at lots of instructions and wrote some of our own. We produced a booklet called'Granny's Book of how to use Your Mobile - a guide for scared or confused Grannies!'