Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Formula Base's Rather Marvellous Riddles!

Here is a sample of the marvellous riddles we have written in Formula Base. We have put together a book of everyone's riddles so please come in and have a look at it - the children and I are extremely proud of the work produced.

Guess It

I help you with balance.
I am very healthy.
I come in all shapes and sizes.
I take you wherever you need to go.
Sit on me and feel the breeze on your face.

By Bree

(Answer: A bike)


I can hear a teacher talking.
I am a type of scroll.
I am still as a grave but full of life.
I am a story teller.
I flick, flick, flick.
I can be colourful or plain.
I will help your spellings.
Don't fold me back or you could break my spine.
?What am I?

By Alisha

(Answer: A book)

What am I?

I am often seen in a box.
I am sometimes called a cowboy.
I am a sport.
I can hurt you if you are not careful.
I am merry making.
I go tackle, tackle, tackle.
I am one kick away from glory.

By Callum L

(Answer: American Football)

What am I?

I sit waiting for you to pick me up,
For you could be interested.
Still words sit within me,
But in action I am not alone
Because I can be a passage to freedom.
I am strong with words and sometimes pictures
And at the end of the day when you put me away,
Get me out again!

By Chloe

(Answer: A book)

What am I?

I have silky, velvety fur like a fluffy blanket
I came from a lonely, hot, sandy place.
My tiny feet carry me on loads of adventures
I am amusing and playful
I squeak, squeak, squeak when I am excited.
I see people bouncing around
I smell food in my bowl.
I hear footsteps as people walk by.
I taste a brocolli stalk
My teeth are as sharp as needles.
Sleeping is my hobby as I snuggle down in a bed of tissue
For another sleep till 6pm.

By Alanah

(Answer: Hamster)

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