Thursday, 13 November 2008

Super sound

If you had a headache then Formula base was not the place to be on Thursday afternoon!! We were taking part in a circus of sound experiments based on cool vibrations.

We banged drums and saw how air-vibrating particles made the particles beside them (in this case rice) vibrate as well. We dangled forks from our ears, inflated balloons, said 'Ahhhh', made waves with a tuning fork and plucked rulers. Sounds like fun? It was!

Tuning Forks:

Making rice vibrate on a drum

Playing Sound Snap on the interactive whiteboard

Plucking a ruler and feeling the vibrations

Hitting a fork tied with string and feeling the vibrations in our ears Hitting a baking tray REALLY hard to feel the vibrations!

We had to write up our findings using scientific vocabulary and drawing a labelled diagram.

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