Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Groovy Lava Lamps

Today, we looked at groovy lava lamps. We found out how they work and spent ages watching the blobs go up and down - quite relaxing really!

Then we made our own!
Here are the instructions:

You will need

A glass jar
vegetable oil
plenty of salt
food colouring

Step 1: Pour water into the jar until it is just over half full

Step 2: Pour 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil into the jar
Look at where the oil has settled

Step 3: Add a drop of food colouring
Where is the salt?

Step 4: Shake salt on top of the oil. Count slowly to 5 and watch what happens to the food colouring.
Where is the salt?

Step 5: Add more salt to keep the action going for as long as you want!

It was such good fun that we did it twice!

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